How to Successfully Work Remotely

By Dan Rover, CEO

More and more people continue to work remotely, mostly from a home office, as
the Covid pandemic continues to limit how many central offices operate in a pre-
Covid manner.

Working from home can be frustrating. But with the right plan and a few pointers,
remote work can be productive and satisfying. Here are a few tips for successful
remote work:

  1. Have a dedicated “home office” space. If a separate room is not
    available, designate a desk or table for work. This space is work space,
    not personal space to surf the internet or check Facebook.
  2. Keep regular office hours. This may be easier said than done, but set a
    schedule and stick to it. If you need to work a bit longer one day, start a
    bit later the next to provide some balance between work and leisure.
  3. Schedule breaks and take them. Give yourself time to get away from the
    computer several times a day to relax your eyes and your mind, and to
    stretch and allow your blood to circulate.
  4. Make sure you have what you need. And do not hesitate to ask your
    employer for the resources you need. A full-size computer monitor and
    extended keyboard, for example, are great aids to working
  5. Have a separate work phone number, if possible. This allows you to let
    personal calls go to voice mail until a break.
  6. Socialize with team members. In an “in office” environment, that is
    easy; remotely it will take some work, but the effort will pay off.
  7. Take sick days and holidays. If you are under the weather, take the time
    to get well. Work can wait and your full physical and mental health will
    help you be more productive once back to work.
  8. Be positive. Think about what you write in an email. People tend to
    assume the worst in what might be implied in an email.
  9. Embrace remote meetings like ZOOM calls. Your state of mind toward
    on-line, on-screen meetings will help you be most productive, and it will
    rub off on co-workers. Master the technology and the mute button and
    your on-line meetings will be successful.
  10. Have an “end of the day” routine. Take the time to make sure you’ve
    worked your daily “to do” list or move tasks to the next day. Straighten
    your home office just like you would your in-office desk before leaving.
    Your next day will get off to a better start as a result.

Good luck. Working from home can be positive with a plan and good

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